The Westport Woman's Club Learns What's New and What's Next From David Pogue
David Pogue, personal-technology columnist for the New York Times and award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News entertained a full house at the Westport Woman’s Club luncheon February 7.
David used his trademark comic approach to understanding new technology and its impact and influence on our society to deliver a thoughtful and entertaining presentation. His hilarious insights included how smart phones and Web 2.0 have changed our approach toward learning and personal interactions, and the profound effect they are having driving the on-demand, real time expectations of the next generation. He concluded with two of his song spoofs – take offs of popular songs with new lyrics based on the computer industry.
David’s writing, reporting and spoof song renditions can be enjoyed by anyone who visits his website, David can also be seen hosting the new PBS Nova mini-series “Making Stuff” where he explores the materials that will shape our future.