Necessities Bags Assembly - Oct. 20th

Our Necessities Bags assembly will be held on Thursday, Oct. 20 at 9:30am in the ballroom. These bags are given to breast cancer surgery patients. The items we're collecting this year are inexpensive ones:

lip balm (non-mentholated)
emery boards
pocket packs of tissues

If you are planning to come to Club Day next Monday, please bring the items at that time, or drop them off at any time by Friday, Oct. 14th. There is a basket outside the office for them.

If you are able to participate in the assembly itself (very easy to do and not long), please sign-up on the sheet on the bulletin board.

Thank you -

Audrey Rabinowitz
Necessities Bag chair

Your support helps us give back to our Fairfield County community
44 Imperial Avenue
Westport, CT 06880-4386
(203) 227-4240
Monday – Friday:
9am – 12pm & 1pm – 4pm

Thursday & Friday: 11am– 2pm
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